Sunday, May 20, 2012


This information was posted previously, but I feel it is worthwhile to have it posted again for your information. When making a post if  you leave your email address within your post I can reply directly to  you if you have a question.
1. Click on "Comments" at the bottom of the Post you wish to comment on. If there is already a comment there, you can read it and there will be a block where you can make a comment if you wish.
2. Write your comment in the block provided.
3. Click on the "v" next to "Comment as:"
4. Click on "Name/URL"

NOTE: It is possible to comment anonymously but it is preferred you leave your name. If you want to comment anonymously (No Name shown), click on Anonymous.
5. Type in your name in the "Name" block.
6. DO NOT ENTER ANYTHING in the "URL" block.
7. Click "Continue" - Your name will show up without the "()" following it when the comment is published.
8. Click either POST or PREVIEW
9. Provide the code provided and your Comment will be posted.

 Don't forget to look at the comments when you are reading down through the Blog. You will find they may be interesting and may even be asking a question that you can answer .... with a comment.

PS: If you wish to contact me directly rather than leaving a comment you may do so by emailing me (Jim Julian) at

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