Saturday, February 16, 2013


Shipmates, Here is the list (as of 04/30/2013) of those who attended the reunion. There are now 37 shipmates attending and a total of 70 when counting spouses and relatives.
If  you see any errors in rate or years please let me know. My computer files have been doing some strange things lately!! Jim Julian
George  Barket   44-46  SK2C  Sup           
John     Bohnovic 63-65 RM2 OPS                                  
Dale Crosier   55-58   LTJG   ENG
Frank   DeClements    BT3  ENG   
Burt     Doremus  56-57 ENS   Deck   
Robert E. Ellis  55-58  SK3     SUP    
Richard Ernst  59-63   ET2-EP2 Ops 
John E. Hankinson      Son of John E (43-45) MM     Eng     
Gordon  Heath   56-58 EMP2 ENG
Ken     Hughes 52-54  RD2    OPS
Bill      Jensen  59-61 SK3  SUP
Martin Jepson 60-62  SK3
Henry  Johnson 55-59 Eng      A        
Jim       Julian   LtJg     Ops        
Charles D. Kepner    56-59  LTJG  ENG
Robert Kevan  58-60   RD2    Ops     
Charles Lincourt  63-65    FA/FN
Ronald  Lovejoy   60-62 BT3    Eng     
Edward Lyon  60-61(?)
Steve Patryn   59-61   E4   Deck
Ted Mariner 52-56  BT3  ENG
Charles Metzger  53-57  RD1  OPS
Steve Patryn    59-61   E4  Deck
William Rickard    52-54 BT@    Eng     
Fred     Rourke      58-60  QM3    Ops     
Edward G.  Schroeder        62-64   FTG3   2nd DIV
Bruce E.  Shilling            62-64   SH3     SUP
Richard Shafer  61-64   BT2 ENG
Cletis   Skrabak 59-62  BT2  ENG 
Nelson Smock  61-63 ET2  OPS
Jim Stanford   57-58   Ltjg     OPS    
Clint J. Starke  55-57   Ltjg     Eng     
William Szturma      62-63  SOG 2 Fox Division
Walter Voll           60-64    GMG2  GUN  
Ray F. Williams          44-46   EM3    ENG   
Terry Young    63-65  QM3   OPS
Dan     Zakovic 61-63 SN  DECK    
Richard C. Zimmerman 42-45 SN1  Deck  


1 comment:

  1. Jim,
    Please change my Service time from the listed 52-54 BT2 ENG. to the corrected one 59-62 BT2 ENG.
    You must of thought I shoveled Coal into Boilers,--------. We had oil Fired Boilers when I served in the 'Black Gang'. THANKS and SEE YOU IN NORFOLK in 2015.
