Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas - Updated Attendance List

Merry Christmas to all and to all a Happy New Year.

We now have 57 shipmates that are planning to attend. We have only 4 months until the reunion and I am hoping that we will get more to attend. There are a number that have said the are NOT SURE. If you have now decided to come to the reunion, let me know.

I need information to be be able to make sure we get the needed number of buses for the tour of the Mayport Naval Base and a ship that will be in port. The Navy needs the names of those going to tour the Base 30 days in advance of the tour (March 28, 2011).

My next posting will include the schedule of the reunion. Right after the first of the year I am also planning to mail (USPS) and email those attending, the reservation form. This form will allow you to select the events you are planning to attend and to send me a check to cover their cost.

Here is the list of attendees as of this date.

First Name, Last Name, Class
Pat Aube 62-63
George Barket 44-46
Ray Berger 60-62
John Bohonovic 63-65:
Sherwood Bradford 45-46
Virgil Bradshaw 56-57
Glen Brady, Brother of Jack KIA:
Phil Brigman 62-64
John Byrne 43-45
Dale Crosier 55-58
Frank DeClements 61-65
Kenneth Dickinson 56-58
Burt Doremus 56-57
K. C. Doyle 56-59
Bob Eddy 55
Richard Ernst 59-63
Bernie Fitzpatrick 64-65
Russell L. Frignoca 55-57
Teddy R. Garner 51-54
John Hankinson
Russell Harwood 63-64
Howell Hedrick 43-45
Lawton Howard 55-57
Ken Hughes 52-54
James Jewell 59-61
Henry Johnson 55-59
Matthew Johnston 56-58
Jim Julian 58-60
Allen Keleher 62-64
Charles D. Kepner 56-59
Robert Kevan 59-62
Louis F. Kueltzo 53-55
Marie (wife of Louis) LaCava 60-61
Richard Larson 63-65
George P. Lewis 52-53
Bob Longabard 53-56
Ted Mariner 52-56
Jim McCorkle 54-58
Murray Palladino 43-46
William Rickard 59-62
Fred Rourke 58-60
Edward G. Schroeder 62-64
Bruce E. Shilling 62-64
Robert Shoafstall 43-45
Kenneth R. Smith 58-59
Richard C. Smith 51-53
Clint J. Starke 55-57
Roman Stately Jr 56-59
William Szturma 61-63
Walter Voll 62-64
Erving Wall 54-57
Ray F. Williams 44-45
Roy Witz 62-64
Otis Wolfe 43-46
Terry Young 63-65
Dan Zakovic 61-63
Richard C. Zimmerman 42-45

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